



作品《㒩》從2020年開始進行創作,發展至今已經有3年多的時間,曾連續獲選4年雲門創計畫補助,由林懷民老師親自挑選指導。從2019台北藝穗節及艋舺國際舞蹈節的作品《We are not human at all.》解構拆解並重新發展,挑戰關於「減法」與「限制」的概念去發揮;2020至2023年受雲門創計畫共四期獎助,並於2021年受舞躍大地邀請頒獎典禮演出《㒩怪-雛形》,2024於國家兩廳院實驗劇場作為身體處方的創團首演。

地點:國家戲劇院 實驗劇場
巡演: 英國愛丁堡藝穗節台灣季(2024.08.02-08.26)


Three-year Creation.

Life is a cycle, from Innocent little kid to a grown person, and finally slowly become skinny and back to the initial state.

Thinking about the pattern of existence of life itself. In the beginning, human race is just purely existed, and the moment of existence is nihilistic. It must be rendered through time to make the existence of life meaningful and exciting. And life is just like a cycle, at the level of form, there are many opposing life and death, creation and destruction, generation and destruction, a life cycle of a star or planet, a body, a tree, and a flower, the rise and fall of civilization; But it is like a snowy winter, turning the earth into a state of extreme silence. With the change of seasons, spring comes, and everything recovers, but it will surely usher in a snowy winter again; When we were born, we are limited by time. How do we build our own value and existence in this short cycle, and finally we can bloom and slowly wither.

*NTCH Experimental Theater on 2024 JAN.
*Edinburgh Festival Fringe Taiwan Season in August 2024.